What adaptogens to use or combine with matcha. matcha and other adaptogens

What Adaptogens Can You Combine With Japanese Green Tea and Matcha?

Every new year there’s always room to optimize and refresh our individual health, but wait…

With 2020 mostly in hindsight, it’s a total given that the past year has brought new learning to what it means to be truly well, right?

Whether in terms of immunity, mental health, or otherwise – to make 2021 the year that 2020 wasn’t, it’s time to put those new learnings into action!

Functional Foods and Adaptogens for 2021 Trends

The old rules are out. So, on behalf of the revamp you’re (we’re all) hoping for, chances are that you’re making your plans right now for what the new year’s health hacks will include. That makes for the perfect time to mention one upside to 2020.

This past year is reported to have significantly accelerated both 1) the growth of, and 2) the public interest in: functional foods and adaptogens.

  • Keep reading as we review how to balance this unprecedented surge with daily Japanese green tea drinking

Top Functional Foods and Adaptogens

‘Functional foods and adaptogens’ is a shift that makes a lot of sense… Basic nutrition is no longer cutting it, people like you are demanding more than ever from what they are putting in their body.

It’s likely if you’re reading this that you are part of this change in paradigm. For example, the thought that you may be able to get an immunity boost alongside a daily meal or drink. That’s big, and happens to sound a lot like Japanese green tea, e.g. matcha or sencha tea.

Withstanding that many of us hold our daily green tea close to heart and that it’s one of the most rigorously verified adaptogens, it’s prescient to note there’ll never be a “be-all, end-all” when it comes to functional foods – especially with interest set to explode. 

So, as millions of us participate in this shift and continue building upon our own functional diet strategies, some questions naturally come to mind.

Can you take more than one adaptogen at a time?

Here we broadly review how a handful of most common adaptogens might interact and/or synergize with Japanese green tea – not only helping us to find a perfect mix of functional supplements – but also to help make informed decisions for our health and make sure we don’t upend our daily green tea ritual (e.g. can you take matcha with ashwagandha?).

It’s a question that can be answered countless ways, but generally comes down to two concerns.

  • Firstly, whether it’s safe to combine certain adaptogens.
  • And secondly, whether it’s beneficial, such as if there’s increased efficacy or synergistic effects.

Example: Is it safe to mix Ashwagandha and Matcha?

At the root of the definition, an “adaptogen” must be non-toxic, while having balancing properties (i.e. a non-specific effect).

Ashwagandha for example may fight fatigue, but has also been known to bring relaxation (even sleep). Similarly, matcha green tea is regarded as an energizer, but also results in a relaxed effect in those who need it.

Do Adaptogens work together?

Like those above, most adaptogens conduct their effects largely through different pathways in the body. That’s a good thing to look for when combining functional supplements.

In fact, by choosing adaptogens which function in the body through independent means, you may be able to avoid any counteracting interactions between them.

Mixing Adaptogens for Maximum Benefits?

Still, this is an area where personal experience reigns… Another way to think of it, is that the broader scope that you offer your body, the more it has to pick-and-choose from at any given time for adaptogenic benefits.

But is it still possible to overdo it? With functional foods about to rocket, there’s inevitably going to be those who overload themselves in the craze, especially amid an unending labyrinth of herbs, mushrooms, and more (e.g. Astragalus root, Rhodiola rosea, Cordyceps, Turmeric, Chaga Mushroom, Gotu Kola, etc).

Is it possible to have too many adaptogens?

For those reasons, it makes sense to keep some discretion and encourage others to do the same, such as focusing on what is most needed for one’s health.

You may find it wise to pick a few key adaptogens to stick by for regular, daily use – great examples are that of Japanese tea, and turmeric – all while alternating as needed between others, like astragalus, reishi, or gotu kola.

Ways to get more adaptogens into your diet/functional food strategy

It’s up to each of us to find what ways to include adaptogens (and when) into our functional food strategy. As Japanese green tea goes to show, it doesn’t have to always be in “pill form,” either.

Aim to consume adaptogens in whole-food form when possible, like to bring flavor into a meal (e.g. adding a slice of ginger root or a dash of matcha powder to a soup).

By using a meal-based delivery, you may be able to incorporate more total adaptogens and in reasonable proportions.

Should you replace one adaptogen with another?

Since there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to supplementing with functional adaptogens, stick to what you already know works for you.

And when it comes to experimenting with other adaptogens, to do so wisely and consider how they may work alongside your daily go-to’s (for us that’s always at least matcha tea).

Although only your doctor can say for certain, there are no known safety concerns or interactions for healthy adults in terms of Japanese green tea, including how it may interact with other adaptogens.

The Bottom Line

Lastly, it’s arguable to stay steadfast with your daily green tea as we navigate the functional food craze starting in 2021; asking not so specifically how one adaptogen may react with your daily green tea, but more rather, how all the pieces fit together – and which ones you feel offer your health the best results. 

–Team Matcha.com




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