Matcha for Arthritis | 4 Reasons Why Drinking Matcha Green Tea May Help Combat Arthritis

Matcha for Arthritis | 4 Reasons Why Drinking Matcha Green Tea May Help Combat Arthritis

Looking for the best tea to drink for arthritis? Consider matcha green tea!

Did you know that regularly drinking 2-3 cups of matcha may help lower your body's level of overall inflammation and help combat arthritis symptoms? 

Arthritis is a complex disease, but studies show that having a healthy diet and including certain vitamins, minerals, nutrients may be vital for managing it. Full of inflammatory-fighting antioxidants and more, matcha green tea is one daily healthy habit that may help support people living with arthritis.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis, which refers to discomfort in a joint or joint disease, can be painful and even debilitating and affects millions of people worldwide. While we often refer to arthritis as one disease, there are over 100 types of arthritis and arthritis-related conditions.

It is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and affects hundreds of millions worldwide.

why matcha green tea may be one of the best teas to drink for arthritis

What are symptoms of arthritis?

Symptoms of arthritis commonly include

  • pain
  • swelling
  • stiffness
  • diminished range of motion
  • Issues with joint function.

Arthritis, often associated with older individuals, does not solely discriminate based on age (although it is more commonly found in the elderly) and can impact people of all demographics.

What are the most common forms of arthritis?

The two most common types of arthritis include osteoarthritis and autoimmune inflammatory arthritis.

Common to popular belief, inflammation plays a crucial role in BOTH of these types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, typically manifests in the hands, spine, hips, and knees, affecting the entire joint. Bones in the joint become weak, and the connective tissue that holds the joint together deteriorates, while inflammation also works to damage the joint lining.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is the most common type of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis. With RA and other types of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, the immune system is overactive and attacks healthy tissues such as joints.

Osteoarthritis cannot be cured entirely but can be managed through physical activity, diet, physical therapy, and medications. The goal with rheumatoid arthritis is remission- where there is little to no disease activity. Treating RA typically emphasizes healthy lifestyle choices such as getting enough sleep, managing stress, and healthy food choices.

Wait, what is matcha powder?

Matcha tea powder originates from Japan and is prized for its taste, beauty, long list of well-studied health benefits, and rich cultural heritage. Unlike traditional loose-leaf green tea, matcha is produced from shade-grown tea leaves carefully ground into a fine, bright green powder. Because of this meticulous process, the tea's unique flavor profile and high concentration of beneficial compounds are preserved. 

So, how exactly can matcha help with arthritis?

4 Ways drinking matcha green tea may help combat arthritis

1) Anti-inflammatory properties

In the past, osteoarthritis was thought to be unrelated to inflammation. However, that belief has begun to change. Several studies now show that inflammation may contribute to the development of osteoarthritis and that inflammation might also change the behavior of the joint.

On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis has long been known to be an autoimmune and inflammatory disease. With RA, the immune system attacks healthy cells, mistaking them for dangerous foreign cells. This can cause inflammation and pain. RA is mainly an attack of the joints, and the lining of the joints becomes inflamed, ultimately causing damage to that joint.

Matcha is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Matcha powder contains powerful antioxidants, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), that may combat inflammation on a cellular level by neutralizing harmful free radicals. EGCG, in particular, has been extensively studied for its ability to inhibit inflammatory pathways in the body.

This inhibition is of specific significance when discussing inflammatory conditions and shows promise for reducing joint inflammation in arthritis patients.

Learn more about immune-boosting adaptogens here.



2) Pain management

Inflammation is a significant player when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, and research also suggests it may be a contributor for those with osteoarthritis. Inflammation can cause pain for several reasons, including swelling, fluid build-up, and swollen tissue, which can push against nerve endings.

Inflammation also triggers other biochemical processes to happen in the body, which can affect how nerves behave- ultimately resulting in pain.

Matcha contains significant inflammatory fighting properties and may be able to provide some relief for joint discomfort brought on by inflammation.

One study also showed that mice with OA treated with EGCG had less cartilage loss and relief from pain associated with osteoarthritis. While more research is needed, things seem promising in this area. All green tea contains EGCG, but matcha contains an estimated three times the amount of EGCG as traditional green tea!

Why drinking matcha green tea may help with the pain management of arthritis

3) Joint health

Matcha's potential for supporting joint health lies in its robust nutritional profile. Matcha is full of necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that may play a role in maintaining healthy joints.

Since arthritis attacks the entire joint, including the bone, cartilage, and lining of the joint, all aspects of joint health must be considered when it comes to pain management and treatment.

Matcha contains both vitamins C and E. Both vitamins are considered antioxidants and are known for their ability to support cartilage and reduce oxidative stress in the joints. EGCG has also been studied for its link to cartilage preservation.

Some studies show that EGCG found in matcha green tea may be able to support bones and decrease how quickly cartilage is broken down  therefore arming the entire joint.

4) Stress reduction

In addition to supporting physical health, matcha offers a calming and stress-reducing effect that can be especially valuable for people with arthritis. Matcha is exceptionally high in an amino acid called L-theanine. L-theanine, the calming amino acid, promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness. Studies show that this amino acid enhances alpha brain wave activity, which may provide a sense of mental clarity and calmness.

Stress management and alleviating anxiety can be key for those coping with the emotional and psychological toll of living with chronic pain. Stress can release chemicals in the body, further triggering inflammation and pain.

It's suggested that stress might make it more likely to experience an arthritis flare-up. Stress may also increase the perception of pain- making something feel more painful when you're stressed than when you're not.

The process of making matcha can itself be a therapeutic ritual that relieves stress as well. Making matcha takes mindfulness and can demand your full attention, providing an almost meditative-like experience. This ritual can be a valuable daily practice and offers tranquility and a chance to take your mind off daily stressors.

Learn about 5 reasons why matcha is also great choice for boosting any meditation practice.

matcha green tea's stress reducing abilities may help combat arthritis pain

The bottom line | Consider going green for arthritis

When dealing with arthritis, it's essential to take a whole-person approach and look at lifestyle, diet, etc. Switching to matcha may be helpful for people managing arthritis. With its potent anti-inflammatory properties, rich antioxidant and nutritional content, and potential to alleviate joint pain and stiffness, matcha has emerged as a promising way to help relieve arthritis.

While matcha is not a cure-all, it may offer a delicious and accessible way to complement other, more traditional arthritis management strategies. However, it's important to remember that individual responses can vary, and it's essential to consult with your medical team before making any significant dietary changes or starting any new treatments.


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Disclaimer: These statements in this blog post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes


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