Get Rejected

Get Rejected

Resilience Pt. III

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power." — Lao Tzu

Each segment featured in this resilience series brings principles of good living and great health into a scope of increased accessibility. Matcha is a core of human resilience, improving our toughness, and hastening our recovery amidst difficulties. Each practice that we share capitalizes on those natural benefits, continue reading for an introduction to building your resilience through REJECTION.

Rejection leads to resilience

Rejection plays a larger role in determining your resiliency than you may realize. Think of it like a tool; more than any intelligence or skillset, a tolerance for rejection means foolproof success, a wider access to opportunities, and an unwillingness to accept defeat. This trend is actually gaining widespread recognition, a ‘best path’ to success now popularized by Jia Jiang’s Ted Talk, "What I learned from 100 days of rejection," demonstrates when you lose this fear, amazing things can happen. 

Rather than skirting rejection, idealize it, turn it into a fuel. Consider all those overwhelmingly successful people like Oprah, or Steve Jobs, who despite clear visions for success, underwent a great deal of rejection.

New York Times bestselling author Tim Ferriss has spoken to this as well, recognizing the success found in building resilience in this way, “When you hear stories of other people's success, you realize that most losses or mistakes are survivable.” We recognize rejection as a part, rather than end to our individual journeys, a simple chance to innovate your approach; you’re ultimately the one controlling what it means, how you react, and what card you play next.

As a means of strengthening our control over rejection, we must choose to experience it. Like a muscle, practicing in this way allows you to become more aware of where your own boundaries and thus, how to be more open minded. We recommend experimenting with a few of your favorites from the Jia Jiang’s list, ‘100 Days of Rejection,’ and see which you can accomplish in a month’s time.

You’ll be sure to develop a better sense of other people’s motivations, and you’ll likely also be surprised at some of the positive reactions you receive. You’ll recognize when it’s appropriate to either push back, or to just walk away. Even better, you can adopt an ‘ask why’ attitude for each ‘no,’ and watch as your rate of rejection plummets. Often, people don’t have a clearly defined reason in saying no

You'd be surprised how many people say YES. Practice this attitude to keep you from dwelling on the trivial, and instead continue working on the big picture. 

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