Vegan Recipe | Creamy Coconut Matcha Whipped Cream

Vegan Recipe | Coconut Matcha Whipped Cream

Whether entirely plant-based or just trying to eat less dairy, you will want to try this vegan coconut matcha whipped cream recipe. It's creamy, sweet, and perfect on top of pancakes, cakes, ice cream, and almost everything else.

vegan coconut matcha whipped cream recipe | creamy and fluffy

The grassy notes of matcha give it a subtle earthiness and elevate the flavor rather than being too punchy. This dairy-Free matcha whipped cream proves you don't need dairy to get fluffy, creamy, cloud-like whipped cream.

This recipe only calls for four ingredients and can be made in under 10 minutes. It's also a quick clean-up! This recipe is also designed to be tailored to YOUR taste buds. Want a stronger matcha taste? Add it in! Need a touch more sweetness? Sprinkle in more powdered sugar. It's never too late to make it just right.

Equipment you will need for your coconut matcha whipped cream recipe

  • Large mixing bowl

  • Spatula

  • Electric mixers

Next time you're in the mood for whipped cream, try this Dairy-Free Matcha Whipped Cream for a downright delicious treat. With earthy notes of matcha beautifully entwined with velvety coconut cream, you'll savor every spoonful.

Ingredients for vegan coconut matcha whipped cream

  • 1 (14 oz) can full-fat coconut cream (chilled overnight)

  • ½ tbsp matcha powder

  • ¼ cup powdered sugar

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

5-Step directions to make your vegan matcha whipped cream:

  • Chill a can of coconut cream for 12 hours or overnight in the fridge.
  • Remove from fridge and scoop out the top thickened cream- leaving the liquid behind.

Chill a can of coconut cream for 12 hours or overnight in the fridge. Remove from fridge and scoop out the top thickened cream- leaving the liquid behind.

  • In a mixing bowl, beat hardened coconut cream for about 30 seconds until creamy. Add matcha, powdered sugar, and vanilla and beat until smooth and creamy- about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

making matcha coconut whipped cream

  • Taste and adjust sweetness and matcha as needed.
  • Use immediately or refrigerate.

coconut matcha whipped cream pairs wonderfully with crepes and pancakes

Tips for acing your coconut matcha whipped cream matcha

While we had luck with just about every brand, we've heard that some brands work better than others. Try a different brand if the cream doesn't separate from the liquid properly.

For this recipe to work, you need to use chilled coconut cream. If you forgot (like we did), you can fudge it by sticking your can in the freezer and then the fridge.
The whipped cream needs to be cold, or it will start getting runny. Please keep it in the refrigerator while you're not using it! For a firmer texture, you can also make and refrigerate for ~ about 4 hours.

Get creative with how you use it! It's delightful on cakes, cupcakes, and ice cream but also pairs well on crepes and pancakes. We loved it so much that we substituted it for syrup. YUM!