What does your bedtime routine say about you?

What does your bedtime routine say about you?

Whether you’re an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind of person or more inclined to burn the midnight oil, your bedtime routine can actually reveal a lot about who you are! From the way you unwind after a long day to the specific and almost sacred rituals you follow before sleep, these habits can be a fun way to reflect on your personality and lifestyle and even showcase some of your values.

What does your bedtime routine say about you?

So, what does your bedtime routine say about you? Let’s find out!

Ready to establish a better morning routine? Check out our tips

The early to bed

If your bedtime routine starts at 8:00 pm or even earlier, you likely have a job that requires you to get up early, like really early, or you’re an old soul at heart who enjoys the peace and quiet that can only be found in a dark, quiet, perfectly temperature-controlled bedroom. Making a habit of going to bed before 8:00/8:30 requires discipline and likely saying no to social plans. If this is you, you may lean more towards the introverted side, or you may like to keep your social circle smaller.

If the only goal of your bedtime routine is to be in bed by 9 pm (a bit more reasonable), you may be the type of person who wakes up just before 6 am without an alarm, heads to a hot yoga class, and drinks a green juice daily. You simply cannot fathom evening plans that start after 8:00 pm and, frankly, get grumpy if you’re forced to be up past your bedtime.   

The night owl

If falling asleep after 12:00 am is your norm, you may be an artist, a writer, or someone who simply drinks too much caffeine. You thrive in the calm and quiet that only late-night hours can offer. You savor the solitude that comes with being awake while the rest of the world sleeps. For you, nighttime isn’t just a break from the day; it’s a sanctuary– a time when your creativity comes alive. You don’t just want time to relax after a long day you need it.

While others wind down for sleep, you’re just getting started, and there’s something about the tranquility of night that makes you feel alive or helps you reconnect with yourself and your thoughts.

Learn more about how sleep deprivation affects your health

The skin-care aficionado

Bedtime skin care routine

If your bedtime routine consists of a 20-step skin care routine, it’s safe to say you’re a self-care connoisseur. You thrive on indulging in the finer things in life, and for you, skincare is more than a habit—it’s an art form. And one that you’ve mastered.

You are someone who pays attention to the small details that other people might overlook. This same attention to detail often carries over into your professional and personal life, where you’re known for being someone who strives for excellence. You’re not afraid of putting in the hard work to achieve your goals, knowing that consistency and effort always pay off.  

While some may say you can be a little high-maintenance, we know that you’ve set the bar high for yourself and those around you. It’s not about perfectionism or vanity but a commitment to showing up as your best self in all areas of your life. And for you, this begins with your bedtime skincare routine.

Try our matcha face mask recipe!

The minimalist

If your bedtime routine consists of brushing your teeth, putting on your pajamas, and turning off the lights, you may be someone who appreciates simplicity and doesn’t like to overcomplicate things unnecessarily. For you, the essentials are what matter. You likely find comfort in the predictability of this straightforward process, and you can miraculously unwind without distractions or excessive rituals. 

Minimalist bedtime routine

Having a minimalist bedtime routine may also translate into your life philosophy: A desire to prioritize what truly brings you joy and peace. This may be found in the way you decorate your space and in how you manage your time.

The technology-dependent

If you find yourself watching just one more show (or maybe two) or endlessly scrolling TikTok in bed, you may be technologically dependent. You would rather watch a cute dog dancing in a tutu than get some much-needed shut-eye. This is how you stay connected, and sending endless reels to your friends and family has become your love language. The allure of binge-watching your favorite series or discovering a viral video often overshadows the need for rest, maybe alluding to the need for a digital detox.

Ultimately, your bedtime routine reflects a modern struggle that many of us experience. This routine may indicate the need for more boundaries with screen time, incorporating more tech-free moments into your routine, or creating a soothing environment that promotes relaxation before bed.

The foodie  

Late night snacking

If you find yourself rummaging in the fridge each night before bed, you may be someone who needs a bit of extra comfort before bed. For you, food is more than just sustenance; it’s an experience steeped in connection. You likely love exploring new cultures and savoring diverse cuisines with those you love.

You embrace life with open arms and live each day to the fullest.  Whether experimenting with new recipes or sharing a meal with friends, you thrive in social settings where food plays a central role.

Late-night snacking may also be a way of relaxing, finding comfort, or taking the edge off before bed. This habit could also hint at being overworked or stressed out.

The biohacker

If you set your thermostat to exactly 67 ℉, take a cold shower before bed, ensure your Oura ring is charged and ready to track your every breath, and have a strict breathing/meditation routine before falling asleep, you may be a biohacker. This meticulous attention to detail highlights your commitment to optimizing your health and sleep quality. You understand that sleep isn’t just a necessity but an essential pillar of your overall health.

You are a go-getter with a proactive approach to achieving your goals in every aspect of your life. You also embrace a trial-and-error mentality. You’re willing to try everything and anything if there’s a chance it can make you perform at a higher level. You aren’t afraid to try new things; to you, there’s a solution to everything.

Bottom Line: Embrace Your Bedtime Ritual

Whether you go to bed early or late, fall asleep before your head hits the pillow, or need a full wind-down routine before falling asleep, understanding the nuances of your bedtime routine can be a fun way to gain insights into your behaviors and well-being. 

Curious how matcha affects sleep? Read more here.