Montreal-based microbiologist Chloé Savard, who gives us a peek into the never-before-seen bits of the matcha microverse with her microscope.

A Macro Look at Matcha: What It's Like Under a Microscope

 Earlier this year, we stumbled upon one of the most interesting Instagram pages we've seen in a while, thanks to a tag by a Matcha fan. Tardibabe is run by Montreal-based microbiologist Chloé Savard, who gives us a peek into the never-before-seen bits of the microverse with her microscope. From creepy creatures to exciting elements to mundane matters, Savard sure knows how to make anything look cool.

looking at matcha under a microscope: see the video now!

What caught our eye? Her recent feature on matcha, of course!

At first glance, it resembles an image of Earth with its lush greenery, vast oceans, and brightly lit cities, as if captured by one of NASA's space telescopes. However, as Savard takes you closer, you'll realize that it's not the Pacific Ocean or the bustling lights of Tokyo. You'll recognize those clumps, in their signature shade of green, as matcha. How could they be anything else when they radiate the perfect, vibrant emerald color? It's a clear marker of high-quality matcha.

And the longer you look, the more you'll notice the beautiful iridescent glow emanating from all corners and curves. Savard attributes this shine to the strong reaction of the leaves to polarized light. As matcha is a stoneground powder from the green tea plant, Camellia sinensis, it naturally reacts to the microscope's light, resulting in an absolutely captivating display.

You'll also observe various textures and moving specks of particles throughout the video.

While Savard didn't mention their exact nature, they pique one's curiosity about what makes matcha such an amazing drink and what lies behind its long list of health benefits. She didn't just zoom into the visual aspects of this world-famous Japanese tea; she also took the time to highlight lesser-known facts about it. Within those specks are the antioxidants, amino acids, and polyphenols, which are the sources of all the goodness we derive from matcha.

Take a mesmerizing journey through these macro clips of matcha and prepare to be captivated.

In addition to the captivating visuals and the hidden world of matcha revealed by Chloé Savard, there are a few more fascinating aspects to explore about this renowned Japanese tea.

  1. Traditional Preparation: Matcha has a rich cultural heritage and a unique preparation method. The process involves carefully grinding shade-grown green tea leaves into a fine powder. This powder is then whisked into hot water using a bamboo whisk, creating a frothy and vibrant green beverage. The traditional Japanese tea ceremony, known as Chanoyu, often incorporates the preparation and serving of matcha as a symbolic and meditative practice.

  2. Caffeine and L-Theanine: Matcha contains a combination of caffeine and an amino acid called L-Theanine. This combination provides a balanced and sustained energy boost without the jitters or crashes associated with other caffeinated beverages. L-Theanine promotes relaxation, focus, and mental clarity, creating a unique state of calm alertness.

  3. 32 Health Benefits: Matcha is renowned for its numerous health benefits. As a concentrated form of green tea, it contains a higher concentration of antioxidants, particularly catechins, which are known for their potential anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting properties. Matcha is also rich in chlorophyll, fiber, and vitamins, making it a nutritious addition to a balanced diet.

  4. Mindfulness and Well-being: The act of preparing and sipping matcha can be a mindful experience, offering a moment of tranquility and a break from the fast-paced modern world. Many enthusiasts appreciate matcha for its ability to promote a sense of well-being, relaxation, and mental clarity. Its vibrant green color and unique flavor profile add to the overall sensory experience.

  5. Culinary Versatility: While matcha is commonly enjoyed as a beverage, its uses extend far beyond that. Its vibrant green color and distinct flavor make it a popular ingredient in various culinary creations. Matcha can be incorporated into desserts, such as cakes, cookies, and ice cream, as well as savory dishes like noodles, sauces, and marinades. Its versatility in both sweet and savory applications adds a delightful twist to traditional recipes.

The bottom line

Whether you're captivated by the microscopic beauty of matcha or intrigued by its cultural significance and health benefits, exploring the world of matcha offers a deeper appreciation for this remarkable Japanese tea.