the male-specific health benefits of drinking matcha green tea. Matcha for men's health.

12 Health Benefits of Green Tea for Men | Matcha and Men's Health

Matcha green tea has historically played a strong role in men's health in China and Japan, and new scientific studies have corroborated the belief in its benefits and continue to make it a wise drink of choice for modern men. According to the latest research, just one cup of green tea a day may do wonders for men’s health!

In the following post, we will briefly touch on green tea's history and spotlight the male-specific health benefits of drinking matcha green tea. 

The 'manly' history of matcha green tea

Male samurai in Japan first learned the fine art of brewing matcha from Buddhist monks back in the 13th century. Before any scientific studies, Japanese monks believed that matcha, a finely powdered and high-quality green tea, possessed qualities conducive to meditation. So it was commonly enjoyed before meditation. The samurai found that tapping into the practice of meditation with the aid of matcha green tea powder helped them recover quicker physically and gave them more mental stamina for battle. (8)

Matcha and men's health dates back to the samurai, who used to to improve focus during battle and physical recovery while training.

Matcha quickly became a popular drink among the samurai. Inspired by their strict code of conduct, the samurai developed a philosophy around preparing and enjoying matcha called 'wabi.' Wabi generally translates as quiet, noble refinement typified by restraint and humility that celebrates essential beauty that time, care, and ritual impart. 

Over the decades, this philosophy around matcha tea powder gave birth to the Japanese matcha tea ceremony more of us are familiar with today. (8)

12 Male-Specific Health Benefits of Drinking Matcha Green Tea 

The history that surrounds green tea is fascinating, but are there even more notable reasons men should consider switching from coffee to matcha tea powder as their daily caffeine source? We think so! The undeniable and robust amount of studies around green tea have shown why.

1) Lose unhealthy weight and boost metabolism

In the US, one in every three men is considered overweight. 

Many of the top fat-burning supplements on the market today have green tea as one of their ingredients, as multiple studies have supported green tea helps boost metabolism. And sadly, as men age, the rate at which their bodies burns calories – slows down much earlier than you might expect. For example, when men are just 25, their metabolism slows down by 2-4% every year. Luckily, matcha may help offset this change that happens as men age. (15) (1)

In one study that measured energy expenditure and thermogenesis among healthy males, men who consumed green tea extract had a 4% increase in thermogenesis and an overall energy expenditure increase of 4.5%. Matcha also contains significantly higher levels of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a potent antioxidant, than regular green tea, giving it even more beneficial effects against obesity. (19)

2) Drink your way to younger-looking skin

When it comes to skin health, men seem to have things a bit easier than women as they age. This is because men, compared to women, lose their skin-protecting hormones more gradually, which allows many men to maintain their youthful looks for a longer time than most women. Still, this doesn't mean men are immune to wrinkles and dryness. (22) 

Studies have shown that drinking just one cup of matcha green tea a day may help make skin more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, stopping wrinkles right in their tracks. Green tea has also shown to be an effective ingredient when applied topically for addressing acne, oily skin, puffiness, dark under-eye circles, and oxidation by free radicals. (20) (23)

Just one cup of matcha a day can help keep your skin looking younger.

3) Help delay or combat erectile dysfunction 

According to studies, the overall prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) among men in the US is around 18%, with men over 70 much more likely to report having erectile dysfunction compared to the 5% between ages 20 and 40.

Having a cup of matcha later in the day will help put a man in a calmer mood and help them get a better night's sleep, but it may also help improve symptoms of ED.

A research study published in 2008 found that men drinking green tea every day for six months had fewer fats stored in the blood vessels of their genital organs, meaning they had better blood flow to achieve erections. In addition, matcha is jam-packed with catechins that help kill off free radicals that damage men's blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely to organs, including those below the belt. Other studies suggest drinking matcha is especially beneficial for age-related ED and is a great natural aphrodisiac for older men. (4) (17)

4) Increase  sperm count and quality

The rate at which sperm is produced and the overall fertility of any man is impacted by several lifestyle factors, including diet. Sperm production is also affected by the free radicals within the body, with high amounts negatively impacting sperm quality. Luckily, studies have shown that some free radicals that hurt sperm count may be neutralized by drinking green tea. (18)

In one study, researchers found that men who drink green tea regularly naturally experience a higher sperm count than those who drink tea less frequently—interested in learning more about matcha green tea powder for sexual health? Check out our full article here. (21)

5) Recover quicker from your strength or endurance workouts

Remember how we mentioned that samurai felt that drinking matcha before meditation helped them physically recover while training? Modern studies back up this claim! An analysis of several studies on green tea and workout recovery found that green tea helps reduce the amount of muscle damage after exercising and has positive effects on muscle recovery following strenuous exercise. (30) (14)

The samurai drank matcha to recover physically and build mental stamina. Green tea is a great workout recovery tool.

6) May support fighting off hair loss and baldness

Hair loss and growth in men is more genetic than physical, and it’s often triggered by the level of testosterone in the body. As men age, it is common for some men to convert their testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (Dht), which is a hormone known for causing hair loss.

Although one cup of matcha will not complete reverse balding, the potent EGCG antioxidant levels in green tea have been studied to be useful in combating androgenetic alopecia (aka baldness in males) under test conditions. If you are a man who genetically is inclined to experience hair loss, you might consider drinking at least one cup of matcha daily for possible benefits against balding. (5) (11)

7) Offset the adverse effects of being a carnivore

First off, compared to women, men are reported to eat all types of meat more frequently, including beef, chicken, pork, and fish. Men often hear that steak and other red meats are some of the best protein sources and muscle-building foods you can eat. Though you also know that a lot of red meat may also be harmful to your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. (Not to mention impact your ability to get and maintain an erection) (13)

Drinking matcha green tea can offset any adverse effects of eating too much red meat.

If you eat a lot of red meat and are concerned about your cholesterol, drinking matcha tea may help. One meta-analysis study found that antioxidants in green tea help lower harmful LDL cholesterol levels and may be able to reduce heart attack risk by up to 28% in some cases. (28) (29)

8) Sharpen your memory for work

Being forgetful at work can have some not-so-great consequences, but switching from coffee to matcha tea powder as your afternoon pick-me-up may help change that. You may have heard that drinking green tea may help slow down Alzheimer's, but a new study found that green tea may help sharpen your memory almost immediately after drinking it. (7)

In this recent Swiss study, researchers gave a group of men a series of tasks designed to gauge their working memory while their brain activity was examined. The results? The male green tea drinkers performed better on the memory tests than the placebos, thanks to the high l-theanine content found in green tea. Moreover, the MRIs showed precisely why this was the case: Men in the study who drank green tea had better back-and-forth communication between two parts of their brains. 

The parietal lobe, which processes sensory information into words and thoughts in the brain, was in better contact with the frontal lobe, which is responsible for decision making and problem-solving. So, men who drink green tea tend to remember and recall more information than non-tea drinkers – at least under the conditions studied. (24)

9) Help banish hangovers and support liver health

Matcha is an excellent way to nurse a hangover. Regular consumption of alcohol takes a toll on a man's body. Alcohol increases a man's risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon, and prostate cancer. Luckily, drinking green tea has been shown to help soothe inflammation, particularly good to know after a night of drinking as it could help reduce longer-term damage to to organs from drinking alcohol. In addition, the high antioxidant concentrations in matcha potentially help men stay healthier even when they have too much to drink. Plus, the caffeine content in green tea has also been shown to help reduce hangover headaches. (2) (26)

10) Lower the risk of prostate cancer

The uncontrolled growth of cells causes prostate cancer, and it is one of the world's leading causes of death among men. About one out of every eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. Luckily, prostate cancer is typically a slow-growing cancer, which makes it an ideal cancer to try diet interventions to slow it down even more. Enter matcha green tea powder.

In one prospective study, researchers found that Japanese men regularly drinking green tea had a significantly lower risk of prostate cancer, with men consuming five or more cups a day experiencing the most significant support. Furthermore, men diagnosed with prostate cancer who drank green tea have also been studied to have less prostate tissue inflammation linked to cancer growth compared to those who didn't drink it. (6) (10)

11) Decrease stroke risk and improve heart health

Did you know that strokes are more common in men than women? Stroke is the leading cause of death in men, killing roughly the same number of men annually as prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease combined. Not to mention stroke is also the leading cause of long-term disability, with men under 44 hospitalized for strokes at a much higher rate than women in their forties. (12) (3)

Multiple studies have shown that regularly drinking green tea can help support the body against stroke. In addition, researchers note that the more green tea a person drinks, the more it reduces their likelihood of suffering a stroke. In fact, in a study published in the American Heart Association Journal with over 82,000 men and women in Japan, adults who drank at least four cups of green tea daily had a 20% lower risk of stroke than those who rarely ever drank green tea. (9) (12)

12) Build stronger bones

According to statistics in the US, approximately one out of every four men over 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis, and men are twice as likely to die after a hip fracture? And because osteoporosis is less prevalent in men than women, it can be an overlooked health problem for older men. 

One of the antioxidants found in matcha, epigallocatechin (EGCG), has been studied to boost one enzyme linked to bone growth by up to 79% in test subjects. In addition, EGCG has also been shown to help block the cellular activity that leads to bone loss. So not only can drinking matcha help keep a man's bone safe, it may even help slow some of the silent effects of unchecked osteoporosis.  (8) (25)

How to reap the male-specific health benefits of matcha.  preparing matcha.

Making matcha part of the regular male diet 

You may assume that to reap the benefits of matcha, it must be brewed according to the strict guidelines of a traditional Japanese tea ceremony as the samurai did. However, in reality, matcha can be prepared and enjoyed in various modern ways. 

Our new space matcha instant dissolve cubes are super easy to integrate more matcha into your daily routine, or you can opt to go the more traditional route of preparing matcha and purchase one of our starter kits to make enjoying your matcha more of a ritual.

We've outlined the simple steps to prepare a delicious and health-boosting matcha latte. Looking for other ways to enjoy matcha and integrate it into your diet? Matcha is excellent in a variety of recipes! You can check out our recipes with matcha here.

The bottom line – real men drink matcha tea.

If the first thing you picture when someone says the word tea is a dainty English tea party involving delicate teacups, pastries, and doilies, we hope that reading this article will help update your line of thinking. Matcha tea fits virtually every lifestyle and can help people from all walks feel healthier and happier, while aging more gracefully.  

And for males, matcha is a nutritional powerhouse that helps may help address diseases and conditions commonly found in men. One or two bowls a day can help you achieve the broadest benefits from matcha tea. For more information, men concerned about healthy aging should talk to their healthcare provider about making matcha green tea a staple in their daily routine, if it's right for you. 

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Disclaimer: These statements in this blog post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes


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