Matcha Glazed Doughnuts | Fried, Fun and Fluffy in Just A Few Minutes!

Matcha Glazed Doughnuts | Fried, Fun and Fluffy in Just A Few Minutes!

Glazed doughnuts are such a comfort food. When we find the right one—light, airy, fluffy, but still full of flavor—its sweetness provides a happy sense of wholeness that only good food can give us. There’s nothing like finding the right food to put you in the best mood! And in this process, we wanted to create the perfect comfort matcha green tea doughnut: the matcha glazed doughnut!

Matcha glazed doughnuts homemade recipe | matcha glazed donuts

Easy Homemade Matcha Glazed Doughnuts 

Making doughnuts can seem like a menacing task, it always seems easier to just buy them. But in all honesty, when you take a closer look at the list of ingredients and recipe card, it’s much simpler than you think! And more than anything, it’s quite rewarding too! As a matcha lover and a doughnut lover, we couldn’t particularly find the perfect matcha doughnut for me on the market, so we thought, “Why not try to make it myself? It can’t be that hard!” So we went ahead and experimented with it, and had a blast finding the perfect balance for myself in this recipe. From the flavors to the textures and the overall feeling we get when we bite into it, this matcha glazed doughnut recipe ticked all the boxes for me, and we can’t wait for you to try it yourself.

With ingredients that are easy to find and steps that are simple enough to follow, you can create the perfect matcha glazed doughnut to enjoy as a sweet green treat or an at-home dessert on a lovely summer day.

Matcha Glazed Doughnut Ingredients:


  • 200 g bread flour
  • 28 g white sugar
  • 85 g milk
  • 1 pc whole egg
  • 4 g instant dry yeast
  • 32 g unsalted butter

Matcha Glaze:

Matcha Glazed Doughnut Recipe directions

How to prepare your doughnut dough | step-by-step directions

  1. Combine all dough ingredients, except for the butter.
  2. Knead for 5 minutes, then add the butter.
  3. Knead for 10 more minutes or until the dough forms a ball.
  4. Do the window pane test to tell if the dough is ready for proofing.
  5. Put the dough in a clean greased bowl and cover with a wet towel.
  6. Proof and let it rest in a warm place until it doubles in size.
  7. Release the air from the dough by punching.
  8. Roll and cut in to desired doughnut shape/size. Fry until golden brown.

Directions for the matcha glaze:

    1. Melt butter and white chocolate.
    2. Sift in matcha and add condensed milk.
    3. Mix until clumps are not visible.
    4. Add milk, then mix.
    5. Dip the fried doughnuts, and enjoy!

Some tips and tricks for an even better homemade matcha glazed doughnut experience:

  • If you plan to cut a hole through your doughnuts to get the traditional doughnut shape, don’t put those doughnut holes to waste! Fry the doughnut holes, and coat them fully in the matcha glaze to have even cuter and funner bite-size matcha glazed pieces.
  • Play around with the toppings and see what goes well with a matcha glazed doughnut! I’d recommend topping it with some crushed oreos for a sweeter hit, or maybe some edible flowers for a prettier and more floral palate.
  • To get the full experience, this comfort snack paired perfectly with a nice cold cup of our Iced Hojicha Latte on a hot summer day. Try making one for yourself too! Our Organic Roasted Hojicha Powder complements this Matcha Glazed Doughnut amazingly. Another top pick to pair with this was our Easy Cold Brew Matcha for a more refreshing drink!
  • We always recommend using’s Culinary Grade Matcha in our dessert recipes, but you’re always welcome to experiment with all our other matchas! To deepen the flavor on these green doughnuts, try using our Single Estate Matcha for the icing. If you want to play around with the flavors even more, try Dr. Weil’s highly recommended Matcha Masala Chai!
  • If you liked this doughnut recipe, you can check out more of our matcha green tea dessert recipes to test out in your kitchen! We promise they’ll be a hit in the household and among all your guests!