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Why choose ceremonial grade matcha? If you're looking for a crisp sweetness and subtle grassy flavor, Morning Ritual ceremonial grade matcha is for you. Morning Ritual ceremonial grade is the ideal combination of wake-up polyphenols and bold flavor to prepare you to greet the day wide-awake and full of energy.

If you're looking for a bold umami flavor and beautiful emerald green color, choose our Ceremonial Grade. Crafted and refined over the centuries, our Ceremonial Grade meets the requirements of the ancient tea ceremony ritual to deliver a full-bodied, slightly sweet, creamy flavor revered by Zen monks and the Samurai alike.

For the ultimate in full-body, thick matcha, choose our Premium Ceremonial Master's Blend. Each harvest season, tea Masters in Japan hand-pick only the leaves that meet the strictest tea ceremony standards. Only the richest colors, most exquisite textures, sublime aromas and superb tastes make it into our Premium Ceremonial Master's Blend.

Premium ceremonial grade comes from only the youngest tea leaves and delivers a rich, bold flavor worthy of the finest tea ceremony as well as your table.